i am impressed by you latest work. hope to see great thing from you in the future. that is all
i am impressed by you latest work. hope to see great thing from you in the future. that is all
haha thanks bro!
this song is sweet so awesome, i usually don't like trance but now i am starting to change my mind about that. so great job and keep up the good work. by the way, if you don't mind, could you check out my music please and thank you
this song is nice. great tune and all that stuff, i am usually not a fan of trance but this song may chage my mind. so great job. by the way if you don't mind could you go check out some of my music. please and thank you
With pleasure! :D Thank you very much.
thanks for using my idea it worked nicely in my opinion although the other people didn't think that way but i guess they have no taste in music so good job and keep up the good work, and thank you for using my idea. 5/5 10/10
If you ever want to im open to collabs?
if you have an aim or yahoo im
I'll send you my FLPs.
at where it ends have like a like a real sped up drum beat that is a snare drum just getting hit repeatedly really fast or something like that, do you know what i mean? i mean this has potential to be something great so i can't wait to hear the full thing. by the way if you have time could you check out my music.please and thank you 5/5 10/10
Just checked out some of yours and loved um. Iv got to do them drums now thanks man.
EDIT: Done.
well i wouldn't exactly call it DNB because of the piano. but still it has a good beat, nonetheless. just feels like a little kid song, in a good way. by the way,if you don't mind, could you check out my songs. please and thank you. but anyways good job 9/10 5/5
thanks for the rate and review!
probably should of been in misc but oh well.
and ill check out your music :)
this is great is like upbeat and techno at the same time. it is like techno to wake up to it gets me energized so great job 9/10 5/5. by the way you should check out my songs if you got time and you don't mind so anyways good job. bye.
Sure thing! I'll swing by and let you know what I think. Thanks for the review! later
this is nice, sounds like i am listening to it from an old NES great job brings back memories of playing the game on the virtual console because i am too young to have heard it from the NES. but anyways great job. by the way, if you don't mind me asking could you check out my songs. but besides that i loved it good job
so spooky
it is so spooky and so awesome at the same time and you said it was originally done by trent renzor so that makes it more awesome because of NIN so good job it was good. it makes it like a spooky Halloween mood when it is like 2 in the morinng and you are hearing noise and you start freaking out that is the mood it feels like good job. by the way if you don't mind me asking could you check out some of my songs. but anyways great job just awesome
not through this account but I'll check em out through my personal account "Lashmush".
Yeah, I'm very happy with Coyote13's performance. Very unexpected since as far as I know, he is new to ambient just like me.
nice but....
but i wouldn't call this classical i might call it techno but not classical. it is not the best thing to lie about genre if you were doing that on purpose but if you didn't ignore this sentence so all in all it is good but not in the right genre
I wrote it for Bach back in the day, but he turned it into that... song he's famous for. I just added the sweeps in now.
Joined on 7/16/08